The Supreme Court Guidelines on Sexual Harassment, 13 August 1997 has defined sexual harassment as “unwelcome sexually determined behaviour” such as: Physical contact, a demand or request for sexual favours, sexually coloured remarks, showing pornography, any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.

Verbal :
Sexual or gender-based jokes or teasing or comments. Comments about clothing, personal behaviour, or a person’s body. Requesting sexual favours. Pressure for dates. Graphic descriptions of pornography. Obscene phone calls. Spreading rumours about a person’s personal or sex life. Turning work discussions to sexual topics (using “puns”).

Non – verbal :
Staring Sizing up a person’s body (looking up and down). Derogatory gestures of a sexual nature. Sexually suggestive looks. Facial expressions of a sexual nature; winking, licking lips.

Unwelcome hugging, kissing. Standing too close to or brushing up against another person, leaning over, invading a person’s space. Patting, stroking, grabbing or pinching. Blocking someone’s path with the purpose of making a sexual advance. Stalking. Actual or attempted sexual assault, or forced fondling.

Presence of posters, cartoons, drawings, calendars, pinups, pictures, computer programs of a sexual nature. Notes or e-mail containing sexual comments. Knick-knacks and other objects of a sexual nature.

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