Dhirubhai Ambani Video Collection

Dhirubhai Ambani Video Collection

The above two are the great videos about Dhirubhai Ambani and his entire success story.
Dhirubhai Ambani was the Indian Rags to Riches story, who founded Reliance Industries in 1969 with a seed capital of just US $ 1000 and later on made it Fortune 500 company.
Today Reliance Industries is worlds largest polyester manufacturer and leading petrochemical refinery. His two sons, Mukesh and Anil Ambani are Forbes Billionaires and Indias Top 10 richest persons according to Forbes.


Dhirubhai Ambani Village

Dhirubhai Ambani Village
Dhirubhai Ambani is the Indian Rags to Riches story. He was the founder of Reliance Industries, Indias largest textile and petrochemical company. Today his two sons Mukesh and Anil Ambani are Forbes Billionaires and Indias Top 10 richest persons.
Dhirubhai Ambani was born on 28 December 1932 at Kukaswada near Chorwad in the then princely states of Junagadh. (now the state of Gujarat India) to Hirachand Gordhandhas Ambani and Jamnaben in a Gujarati family of modest means. Hirachand Gordhandhas Ambani was a village school teacher with little income. Hirachand and Jamanaben had two daughters – Trilochanaben and Jasuben and three sons – Ramnikbhai, Dhirubhai and Natubhai. Dhirubhai was the second son. Dhirubhai was precocious and highly intelligent. He was also highly impatient of the oppressive grinding mill of the school classroom. He chose work which used his physical ability to the maximum rather than cramming school lessons. When Jamnaben once asked Dhirubhai and Ramnikbhai to help his father by earning money, he angrily replied “Why do you keep screaming for money? I will make heaps of money one day”. During weekends, he began setting up onion/potato fries stall at village fairs and made extra money which he gave to his mother.

Dhirubhai Ambani Polyester Prince

Dhirubhai Ambani Polyester Prince

Polyester Prince by Hamish McDonald is the only real biography of Mr.Dhirubhai Ambani. But this book is out of circulation now.
In this book, the author has mentioned in a very detail that how during the time of Licence Raaj, Dhirubhai Ambani took Reliance Industries to new levels and made it Fortune 500 Company?
This book covers many shocking and controversial aspects of the life of Mr.Dhirubhai Ambani. The book also states that, Reliance Industries is worlds largest legal ZERO TAX CORPORATION which saves lots of tax through lots of legal loopholes.
This is a MUST read book for entrepreneurs.

Dhirubhai Ambani Nusli Wadia

Dhirubhai Ambani Nusli Wadia
Dhirubhai Ambani was the founder of Reliance Industries. He started Reliance Industries with just US $ 1000 of start-up capital in 1969 and later on today it is the Fortune 500 company of the world.
Initially Reliance Industries was started as a Textile company which later on diversified into Petrochemical, telecomm and many other sectors.
Today Reliance is worlds largest polyester manufacturer and once upon a time, Nusli Wadia, the chairman of Bombay Dyeing was the biggest competitor of Dhirubhai Ambani.
Both Nusli Wadia and Dhirubhai were known for their influence in the political circles and their ability to get the most difficult licenses approved during the times of pre-liberalized economy.
During the Janata Party rule between 19771979, Nusli Wadia obtained the license to build a 60,000 tonnes per annum Di-methyl terephthalate (DMT) plant. Before the letter of intent was converted into a licence, many hurdles came in the way. Finally, in 1981, Nusli Wadia was granted the license for plant. This incident acted as a catalyst between the two parties and the competition took an ugly turn.
According to rumours, once upon a time, Dhirubhai Ambani sent professional killers to kill Nusli Wadia. (It is written in Polyester Prince Book, which is now out of circulation and this book is known to be the only true biography of Dhirubhai Ambani.)

Dhirubhai Ambani Family

Dhirubhai Ambani, Mukesh, Anil, Kokilaben, Nita Ambani & his daughter Famiily Photo

Dhirubhai Ambani with wife Kokilaben & two Sons

Dhirubhai Ambani with his sons Mukes & Anil

Dhirubhai Ambani Family Photos

The above are the few family photos of Mr.Dhirubhai Ambani, the late founder of Reliance Industries, the largest textile and petrochemical company of Asia-pacific.
Today his two sons Mukesh and Anil Ambani (In photos) are Forbes Billionaires and Indias Top 10 richest persons. His elder son Mukesh Ambani is the chairman of Reliance Industries while his younger son Anil Ambani is the Chairman of Reliance Communications and Reliance Energy.


Dhirubhai Ambani Education and Early Life

Dhirubhai Ambani Education and Early Life

Dhirubhai Ambani was the founder of Reliance Industries, Indias largest private sector petrochemical and textile giant. Today Reliance Industries is worlds largest manufacturer of Polyester and it processes 2% of worlds transportation fuel.
Dhirubhai Ambani is a rags to riche story. He used to sell Bhajiyas at the age of 15 years at Girnaar, Gujarat to pilgrims.
He is a school drop out and rags to riches story. Dhirubhai Ambani was born on 28 December 1932 at Kukaswada near Chorwad in the then princely states of Junagadh. (now the state of Gujarat, India) to Hirachand Gordhandhas Ambani and Jamnaben in a Gujarati family of modest means. Hirachand Gordhandhas Ambani was a village school teacher with little income
When Jamnaben once asked Dhirubhai and Ramnikbhai to help his father by earning money, he angrily replied “Why do you keep screaming for money? I will make heaps of money one day”. During weekends, he began setting up onion/potato fries stall at village fairs and made extra money which he gave to his mother.
Later on he dropped out from school and went to Eden and after coming to India, he founded Reliance Industries. Today his two sons Mukesh and Anil Ambani are Forbes Billionaires and worlds one of the most richest persons.
Not only this but recently his elder son Mukesh Ambani has build Antilia, Worlds costliest House worth of US $ 1 Billion which is now worlds most luxurious and costliest house.

Dhirubhai Ambani Net Worth

Dhirubhai Ambani Net Worth

Dhirubhai Ambani is the Indian rags to riches story. He was the founder of Reliance Industries, initially a textile company which later on became a petrochemical giant.
Dhirubhai Ambani died in 2002 and at that time his estimated net worth was US $ 6 Billion and after his death, the Reliance empire was divided into his two sons Mukesh & Anil Ambani.
In 2007, the total estimated net worth of both the brothers was US $ 60 Billion so if today Dhoribhai Ambani was alive than he was probably worlds second richest person.
Today his son Mukesh Ambani, the chairman of Reliance Industries is worlds fourth richest person (US $ 29 Billion, 2010). And Anil Ambani is also a Forbes billionaire.

Dhirubhai Ambani House

Dhirubhai Ambani House

Dhirubhai Ambai was the Indian rags to riches story. He was the founder of Reliance Industries, Indias largest petrochemical and textile company which he founded in 1969 with a seed capital of just $ 1000 and now its a multi-billion dollar conglomerate headed by his elder son Mukesh Ambani who is worlds fourth richest person.
Ambani House: Ambani House: Mukesh Ambani ...
The above is a sea-Wind, the house of Dhirubhai Ambani. Till now, (October 2010), both the Ambani brothers were living in this house. However, now Mukesh ambani has shidted to his new House Antilia and this is now Anil Ambanis House.
Sea wind is a 14 story building. However, his elder son Mukesh Ambani has now build worlds costliest house The Antilia at the cost of US $ 1 Billion which is now worlds costliest house.
Both the Ambani brothers are now Forbes Billionaires and Indias TOp 10 richest persons.


Dhirubhai Ambani Books

Books on Dhirubhai Ambani

Dhirubhai Ambani is the Indian Rags to Riches story. At the age of 15 years, he used to sell Bhajiyas at Girnaar mountain and later on he became Indias biggest business tycoon and the founder of Indias largest private sector business conglomerate Reliance Group of Industries which was originally a textile company which later on transformed into a Petrochemical giant.
His two sons Mukesh and Anil Ambani are now the Chairman of Reliance Industries (Mukesh Ambani) and R-Comm and R-Energy (Anil Ambani) and Forbes Billionaires.
Several books are written on the life of Dhirubhai Ambani. But the following books are really investment worthy.
01) Polyester Prince The Rise of Dhirubhai Ambani –
Polyester Prince is the book written by Hamish McDonald. This is the only real biography of Mr.Dhirubhai Ambani. However, this book is now out of circulation because it contains the real biography of Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani.
But well, you can get this book for FREE download online. Just search the Google and you will find this book in PDF form for FREE download somewhere on Google. This book at present is the only real biography of Mr.Dhirubhai Ambani.
02) Dhiruism –
Dhiruism is not the book on biography of Mr.Dhirubhai ambani but it is a book about the 9 management principles of Dhirubhai Ambani by the author.
This is really a great book for those who want to start and run their own business out of scratch. The management principles of this book are timeless and can apply to any business in this world.
03) Against All Odds: Dhirubhai Ambani –
This book is written by A.G. Krishnamurthy and it has an excellent biography of Mr.Dhirubhai Ambani. This is a collection of stories not just about dreams but about the price that you pay for achieving them. Dhirubhai’s path was liberally sprinkled with obstacles. Some of them were deliberately placed by peers who hoped in vain to slow down his hard-to-beat pace, and some by fate itself. But unlike you and me who would probably change course after overcoming a few, he on the other hand, persevered, found a way around them, bulldozed his way through the others, but more importantly never, ever lost hope, and was rewarded a hundredfold because of it.
Against All OddsTable of Contents:
1. Against All Odds
2. The Teenage Freedom Fighter
3. Total Trust – A Way of Life
4. Challenges – His Adrenalin
5. Impossible!? What is it?
6. The Large-hearted Leader
7. The Dhirubhai Effect – Before and After Dhirubhai
8. Afterword


Dhirubhai Ambani Quotes

Dhirubhai Ambani Quotes

Dhirubhai Ambani, The Founder of Reliance Industries (In 1969) as a Textile Company now worlds one of the leading Petrochemical company which process 2% of worlds entire transportation fluid. His elder son Mukesh Ambani is now the Chairman of Reliance Industries and worlds fourth richest person according to Forbes (2010) having net worth of US $ 29 Billion.
Here are some great Quotes by Dhirubhai Ambani.
– Think, Big, Think Fast, Think Ahead. Ideas are no ones monopoly
– Between my past, the present and the future, there is one common factor: Relationship and Trust. This is the foundation of our growth
– We bet on people.
– Meeting the deadlines is not good enough, beating the deadlines is my expectation.
– Dont give up, courage is my conviction.
– We cannot change our Rulers, but we can change the way they Rule Us.
– Keep changing the orbits
– You do not require an invitation to make profits.
– If you work with determination and with perfection, success will follow.
– Pursue your goals even in the face of difficulties, and convert adversities into opportunities.
– Give the youth a proper environment. Motivate them. Extend them the support they need. Each one of them has infinite source of energy. They will deliver.
Tax is for the poor or the stupid people. *I am deaf to the word no.
– Growth has no limit at Reliance. I keep revising my vision. Only when you dream it you can do it.
– Our dreams have to be bigger. Our ambitions higher. Our commitment deeper. And our efforts greater. This is my dream for Reliance and for India .