"So why do people go for treks?

Why do they risk their lives to conquer an unseen mountain?

Just for the sake of victory?

To prove that they can achieve anything or is it just a healthier time pass than watching a movie on a weekend?

Those are hardly the reasons. Treks transform you.

You come to know yourself but not by looking within, it is by loosing yourself.

On a trek you hardly remember who you are. You hardly remember what you do in the city for a living. You for some time let go of all the people associated with you. On a deeper level your basic characteristic traits do not matter. All your regrets and your achievements go hide deep in your backpack.

The mountain does not care whether you are a CEO of a multinational or a local sherpa. After walking for sometime in nature you loose your identity and become one with the mountains.

You are no longer the insecure feeble stubborn human being. You are one with the wind. You are one with the mist. You are the birds. You are the greens. You are the freshness. You are alive.

Somehow nothing else matters, your work, your relationships, nothing. All that matters is the next step. It could give you a firm footing and confidence to move ahead or it can lead you to a fifty foot fall.

In that decisive moment you are alive. More alive than ever.

That’s when you completely lose yourself and realize who you truly are.

Each moment reveals newer potentials. You swim across unknown waters of your soul.

Through falling you realize that you have the strength to get up.

Through bruising you realize that you have the power to be healed.

Through being alone you realize your own freedom.

In the everyday routine of life, all of us forget who we truly are. In fact being on a trek is one of the very few times when we actually remember!"


There is an old piece of advice, maybe you’ve heard it. It goes something like “You don’t really know who a person is, until you know who they are when they’re mad.”

For those not familiar, this is often advice given to young couples before they consider marriage.

For us trekkers, the advice is : Make sure you go trekking together, before you consider marrying each other!

Here’s why….

In an artificial setting like a coffee shop, restaurant or a park, you only talk.

Yet, we spend most of our married life doing things – making breakfast, going to office, sending the kids to school. And in doing these ordinary tasks we display our love, respect and consideration towards one another. It cements our bond and our marriage becomes stronger.

But those are things you cannot get a sense of while sipping overpriced coffee.

However, on a 5-6 day trek, the mask of the city wears off quickly and the real person surfaces.

There is no better place to evaluate a partner than on a trek.

Here’s why:

1. Trekking is not a “walk in the park.” It’s hard work… and the best way to tell if you have a complaining partner. If so, you can be sure married life with them will be similar.

2. Like a trek, life is a series of cooperation – at home and work. If your partner doesn’t exhibit a sense of cooperation on a 5-6 day trek… you can guess what the next 50 years may be like.

3. There are any number of things that can go wrong on a trek. And in life. Trekking is the perfect way to see if your partner deals with bad situations in a cool and composed manner. A dose of humour is a bonus.

4. Trekking gives you a true sense of how your partner gets along with others. Beware of a partner who is glued to your side on a trek, and doesn’t socialise with others.

5. A considerate partner is far more important in life than a loving partner. Trekking gives constant opportunity to evaluate this. Does your partner show consideration to the world? Do they pick up fallen chocolate wrappers? Have a kind word and gesture towards others?

6. Trekking will quickly show you whether your partner is a self sufficient human being… Or someone who gives orders (however sweetly), for others to get things for them.

(As we have heard, “A partner who orders is a menace for the future.”)

Over the course of a 5 day trek, you can learn a lifetime of information about someone (for some people, this is found out just in travel to basecamp!).

For that matter, it can be a great way to meet a well-suited partner as well!

Lest you marry the wrong one.